Monday, September 24, 2007


Well, Clinton's dark phase doesn't seem to be lasting as long and isn't as intense as in the past. It's intermittent with some "okay" spots. Still, I'm treading lightly. The overall feel of these phases is of self-focus and self-absorption. God help anyone who gets in the way of that or "requires" anything of him. So NOT a family friendly way to be. I just don't talk to him very much and I think he gets the hint. But not strong enough to make big changes. He just doesn't treat me as rudely then.

A lot of the problem is that we are so different. Not that we don't have things in common but rather that our perspective on family &/or relationship dynamics is very different. I used to think that he was anti-social but I see him talking to people and he can be quite the entertainer :-) I think really that he is "relationship impaired". Not just in marriage but in keeping/maintaining/cultivating/nurturing relationships in general....with me, with the kids, with friends, with co-workers.......anything that needs to be consistent or long term. I don't know. Just my observation.

I still think he needs medication, though. His mood swings can be very drastic and it's hard to know when they are going to hit. I never know from one day to the next if he's going to be "cooperative" or vengeful. I don't know from one day to the next if it is okay to ask him to take out the trash (and actually expect it to be done in a timely fashion) or talk about the bills or whatever and get teamwork or spite. It's a hard way to live and it really hinders me in "my" job.

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