Tuesday, November 13, 2007

posibility unknown

i want to fall in love with my husband again. i want to let go of the resentments that keep me from admiring him. i want to stop expecting for him to only f@#$ up and start seeing the things he does right. i want that giddy feeling again sometimes like in the beginning. i want him to be in love with me, too. we both stay because of the kids. we hate the marriage. but how sad is it to live out our days without the life-enhancing effervescence of being in love. i hate this time of year....the jewelry ads, the romantic movies. it would be nice to have someone in my life (besides my kids!) who wanted to do special things for me or make me happy or view me as a woman, as a beautiful creation.

1 comment:

Angie said...

I wondered if you'd been posting over here. I think all of us have been in this situation a time or two. And the girls that haven't. .. need to have their hair pulled.

I will continue to pray--even though this post is well over a week old. In many ways, I'm there with you, my friend.

We need to talk. Soon.